So I just wrote a post and lost the whole thing! I am trying to do it all on my phone after our cat knocked a pitcher of water on top of my MacBook and ruined it:( so I will write it all again let's hope I don't forget anything! Bentley -Bentley turned 1! He had a great birthday filled with cupcakes and balloons! I can't believe how fast the time went by! He is walking all over and he loves food, balls, books, friends, the kitty, blocks, and hanging out with the mom:) -He had lots of doctors appointments as well, but luckily they were all filled with good news! At his 12 month check up he weighed 20 lbs and was 30 inches long. The cardiologist was a little more tricky, it took a few tries to get a good EKG reading. And becuause he is doing so well the cardiologist didn't feel a need to do an echo or a 24 hour take home monitor. His hope right now is to put a pacemaker in at 4-5 years old. Which is great for us! We are just supposed to look for signs of his heart not wo...