So I just wrote a post and lost the whole thing! I am trying to do it all on my phone after our cat knocked a pitcher of water on top of my MacBook and ruined it:( so I will write it all again let's hope I don't forget anything!

-Bentley turned 1! He had a great birthday filled with cupcakes and balloons! I can't believe how fast the time went by! He is walking all over and he loves food, balls, books, friends, the kitty, blocks, and hanging out with the mom:)
-He had lots of doctors appointments as well, but luckily they were all filled with good news! At his 12 month check up he weighed 20 lbs and was 30 inches long. The cardiologist was a little more tricky, it took a few tries to get a good EKG reading. And becuause he is doing so well the cardiologist didn't feel a need to do an echo or a 24 hour take home monitor. His hope right now is to put a pacemaker in at 4-5 years old. Which is great for us! We are just supposed to look for signs of his heart not working properly, but other than that the cardiologist said to come back in one year!

We are so blessed to have such a healthy happy baby boy! I really do believe that he came to our family for a reason and he really is our little miracle! He is the light and love of our lives:)
-I couldn't ask for a better husband! He really is amazing and does so much for Bentley and I. I love him so much and am grateful for all he does. He even spent hours trying to bring my computer back to life after it went swimming:( he supports me and all I do and provides for and looks after our little family!
-His work is starting to pick up for the summer already. He is pretty busy and just won a huge bid for his company that he is excited about:)
-He has also been been studying regularly and hard for the GMAT which he will take next month. Then he will start looking into MBA schools and see where life takes us next!
-I had the opportunity to play with the Mormon Choral for their performance of the Lamb of God. It was an incredible experience and am grateful for the chance to play and be part of an orchestra.
- I do have 1cello student and I still nanny for the same kids. They are sweethearts and love Bentley which makes it easier to bring him at 6am.
- I have decided I want to go back to school. I'm hoping we can work out the money so I can start this summer. I have already registered for classes. I would like to get my associates in early childhood education. A dream of mine is to run a pre-school of the arts. I have the background in music in art, this would qualify me for the pre-school part. I taught pre-school in Idaho for 6 months and I loved it! Hopefully we can work it out:)
-lastly I am trying really hard to get back in shape! I have invested in a jogging stroller and joined a gym. I also hope to take time off my 10k I'm running this Saturday so wish me luck!
Family-We spent Easter Sunday at Alexs parents. I made some goodies and of course my Mother In Law made a delicious meal. It was great to watch conference with family. My sister in law was also there to enjoy with us.
-in February my parents came up from NM with my family for my sisters dance competition. She danced beautifully and it was fun to spend time with family. We also got a new car that weekend! A 2008 Prius. I feel pretty spoiled neither of us have had a car new than 10 years old!
-we also spent some time in Utah to see my new niece and attend her baby blessing. All of my siblings (minus my missionary brother:( ) were there and we did some fun things together. Like play games and we ran a splash and dash. We also got to visit my brother and sister and law in salt lake where we ate popusas and Bentley played with their dog ferguson:)
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