California! Alex accepted the position as regional buyer for Shea Homes. His office will be located in Livermore, but we will most likely be living outside of it. He is pretty excited and relieved to finally have a job! Now we just need to get out there and find somewhere to live. We are excited for our next adventure in California as a family of 4 :) It is going to be hard to leave Arizona, we have found many great friends and made so many happy memories. It will be especially sad to leave my sister Chelsy:( She has been there for me and Bentley and we are truly going to miss having her close. Alex Graduated on May 11, 2017 with his Masters in Global Logistics from Arizona State University. It was a lot of hard work and I am sooo Proud of him!! Alex's parents were able to stay after Hadley's blessing and were able to celebrate his graduation with us. I am grateful for them and for the values they instilled in him to...