Once again I am playing catch-up, but times have been busy! We have had a great 2017 and we are looking forward to the new year. We also have some updates about Bentleys heart, But I will include all of that in a separate post! Have a happy new year! (I also still have yet to figure out how to format the blog with all the pictures:/ so I apologize for it not being pleasing to the eye!)
September- September was a great month! alex turned 30! We had fun celebrating him, we also celebrated national teddy bear day and were able to make it to the oakland temple. And with the warm weather we have been spending lots of time exploring all of the parks around us!
Happy 30th alex! |
national teddy bear day |
oakland Temple with my love |
October-We were able to LOTS of fall/Halloween activities this month! With MOPS we went to Del Osso farms and had a blast, we did downtown trick or treating, ward trunk or treating, we went to the mountain hose pumpkin festival, we rode the spookamotive train in downtown sacramento, carved pumpkins, made yummy donuts and went trick or treating with some Bentleys cute friend! It has been a busy yet fun month! Bentley went as a train conductor and hadley was a penguin:)
Del osso Farms |
my little artist:) |
spookamotive in Sacramtneto |
Trunk or treat |
pumpkin carvin |
Trick or treating with his cute friend! |
November- We had lots of fun activities this month, we went on a field trip to the firehouse, and I was able to run a 10k. WE had a fun visit from my parents, and for Thanksgiving we went up to Lincoln CA to spend it with some of Alex's family. ( I also lost my phone and along with it all my pictures:( )
December- We love the Holiday season! We made lots of christmas goodies, saw Santa, saw the temple lights in Oakland, went to a Christmas Party, and much more. The Highlight had to be getting the chance to fly to Texas where we got to spend the week after Christmas with my family. It was so good to see everyone and we finally got to meet baby Henry. We sure are blessed to have such great Family!
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