Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Hello! I know I say this every time but it’s been awhile since our last post and so much has changed for our family in the last few months! But the top three changes are:
1-We found out we were expecting!
2- Alex got a new job (same company), and
3- We moved to San Diego!
I’ll just summarize by month and add lots of picturesπ
We had a nice relaxing summer, we stayed home and tried to get back into a routine and normal life post hospital. We did go to the children’s museum lots and played outside. We also put Hadley in some dance classes and Bentley in Swimming and soccer to keep them busy. Bentley also lost two teeth!August
Bentley started kindergarten! I can’t Believe he is old enough to go to school! But he loves school and loved his teacher, I hope he doesn’t grow out of his love for learning. We also took a weekend trip to Monterey where we went to the beach and went to the aquarium.
In September it was time for Alex and I needed to get away after a stressful year and we took a cruse to Mexico while his mom came and took care of the kids. He went over his birthday so it was extra special celebration. We also found out we are expecting baby #3 due in May next year!
October was filled with lots of fall festivities and a trip to Utah to see family and go to general conference. It was also filled with lots of changes with Alex’s job. Our lease on our home was ending and Alex didn’t love his commute to work everyday, so as we were looking for a new home we also were looking for a new higher paying job. Long Story short he got another job, his current company didn’t want to lose him so they offered him a raise. We continued to house search when a promotion became available in the San Diego office of his current job. He applied and interviewed and was offered the job! So he spent the tail end of October and beginning of November working in San Diego during the week and coming home on the weekends. We are so proud of him and all the hard work he does for our family!
So for the first couple weeks of November while Alex was gone I was busy packing up the house and getting things ready to move. Then the kids and I took a break and flew to Phoenix where we were able to spend some time and have some fun adventures with Chelsy and my parents. We came back from our trip, finished up packing then we loaded up our truck and drove down to our new home in Poway California! We drove on a Sunday, Unpacked the UHaul on Monday then on Tuesday morning we drove to New Mexico to Spend Thanksgiving with my family. Bentley was so excited to be in the snow!
That brings us to December! We have somewhat settled in, still living out of some boxes, but we will eventually get there. Bentley got started at his new school and is already fitting in and making new friends. We were able to go around and get to know our town a little bit and have been so impressed with how family friendly it is! Alex is really liking his new job and his new office. I think we are going to like to here! We are sticking around for the Holidays and we are excited to spend time with Alex’s sister Kim and her family. We also were able to find some great doctors for Bentley and me. We did find out that the baby is a BOY! We are excited to become a family of five next year!!
I hope everyone knows that we love you wherever you are and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. who knows maybe next year I will be better at keeping the blog up to date.
Love Always Alex, Lezlie, Bentley,and Hadley Richards
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