The last time I posted was over a year ago! Like the rest of the world this year was anything but ordinary. We did however all grow a year older, and we learned to adapt the best we could to our new way of life. With COVID, a new baby and Bentleys heart we tried to be extra cautious. We spent a lot of time at home together, a lot of time going to the beach and different parks together. We worshipped each Sunday from our living room over zoom and had many Facetime and Skype calls with our families. We turned a bedroom into a home office while Alex worked form home, and our living room into a virtual classroom for Bentley while he did his entire first grade year. Hadley and I did some mommy pre-school. And Emmet was just the happiest baby that went along with it all (while growing up way too fast!) During the past year we have had our fair share of disappointments and joyful moments, but through them all we have grown. Grown closer in our relationships with each other and we've personally grown emotionally and spiritually. We are grateful that during this pandemic we live in San Diego, because the weather was always nice enough to get out. But as life starts to move on so are we! Alex had the opportunity to put in for a transfer to the Denver office of his company and he got the job! We are so excited to be moving back to Colorado. We will be closer to family and back in the mountains. Even though we have loved living here and will miss San Diego, Colorado just feels like homeππ We don't have an exact start date yet, we are waiting for them to find a replacement for him here first. But we will be moving sometime this summer.
I am hoping to be better this year about updating the blog. Be more consistent in posting updates and pictures. But for now I will end with some of our favorite pictures over the last year.
Love always, Alex, Lezlie, Bentley, Hadley, and Emmet
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