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16 Days to go!

It has been a pretty busy month, I am now 37 weeks and baby is getting bigger everyday!

Family Update:

There isn't too much news with us, besides the baby getting closer everyday. We have a few names picked out, but will decide when he is born and get to see his cute face. We think we have the basics of what we need, we have the cradle, car seat, stroller, rocking chair, changing table, and lots of cloths, we will pick up some diapers soon. We also got a new car! it is a 2003 Chevy Malibu, it is a good little car with four doors and a really big trunk. I am happy with it. We were also able to sell my car, and we got more for it than I originally thought, so thats a good thing:) For Valentines Day Alex and I went to a pottery painting place, it was actually really fun, I painted an elephant piggy bank for our boy and alex painted cat and dog salt and pepper shakers. Afterwards we went to this burger place that was actually pretty good called Champa Works.
New Car! 2003 Chevy Malibu

Valentines Adventure: Pottery Painting

Baby Update:

Our little boy is doing well, His heart is still stable. Which is very good! We went to the Cardiologist 2 weeks ago and the cardiologists told us that in all but one 2nd degree heart block case that he has seen, the heart block always turns into 3rd degree. Which is more dangerous, he said in our little boys case it is possible that he won't need a pacemaker for a few years! Which is great news, the less surgery the better.  At 35 weeks he also measured 5pounds 5ounces, and he is in the 19th percentile. Here are a few of the Ultrasound pics from this past month.

34 weeks. It is sideways and a little hard to see
35 Weeks, This one is also sideways, but if you look hard you can see him sticking out his tongue:)
36 Weeks,  this is his hand making a peace sign:)

This past week the doctors made a decision to do a scheduled C-Section. They are worried about the stress on the baby's heart if I did deliver vaginally. They said with his heart rate already so low it would be hard to monitor, since it is already in the 60's  if it drops any lower it could cause brain damage. Which sounds really scary, but that is why they are going to do a C-Section and cut out that risk. But on the plus side I guess we know for sure when he is coming. He is scheduled to come on March 14, 2014, at 9:30 AM! We are so excited to meet our little boy:)

Lezlie Update:

I have been doing well, Just this past week is when I have started feeling my Pregnancy. I have started to notice swelling in my hands and feet, and I have had some acid reflux. But Besides that I am just tired a lot, and I still have a hard time sleeping at night. But I am happy and healthy. I have just been trying to get ready for our little boy. I am taking a break from volunteering, and find myself at home a lot of the time. I do enjoy going out on walks when it is nice outside. I have transferred all of my care to the Swedish hospital Obstetrix. I need to go in twice a week now so they can track our little boys heart so it makes it a lot easier then going to Broomfield for my care, that would be 3 appointments a week! I think two doctors appointments a week is enough.

Alex Update:

Alex is still doing great,  he loves his job, they have been pretty busy it sounds like but that is good for their company. They think they have found a place to move their office. It is here in Lakewood, not far from where we live now. But the good thing is if it works out there is an apartment above it that we would move into. It has two bedrooms and it would be cheaper rent. It would be great if it works out! We should know in the next couple weeks. He has also been working on our new car with Max. Last weekend they replaced 3 out of the 4 shocks and struts, and this weekend they hope to put in the last one then work on the engine I think. I am glad he is so handy so that we don't have to spend tons of our money taking it into the shop.

I think that is all for now. The next post will most likely be after our little boy is in our arms. We will keep you updated:)

This is from our Anniversary, Alex took me to Colorado Ballet's Nutcracker:)
Love Always
The Richards Family


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