The past month has been exciting, scary, overwhelming, joyful, and just about every other emotion you could think of! But I thought I would share the story of a little miracle that we were part of, his name is Bentley Alexander :)
It started at my doctors appointment on Friday March 7. I decided to go alone so Alex could get some more hours before he took the week off to be with me. Everything was going great until they measured the growth of the baby, they found that he had dropped from the 17th percentile to under the 5th percentile. They measured him 3 or 4 times before the nurse said that there was a chance that I would have to deliver that day. My doctor was in a meeting so they put me in an exam room alone and told me to call Alex and wait for the doctor. I was really scared. I called Alex and just started to cry. I waited alone in the room for 30 minutes, then Alex showed up right before the doctor got there. She expalined that sometimes the placenta stops doing its job and that it would be better to deliver the baby early becuase it can grow better outisde. They did decide however that we could wait until monday so Alex and I could spend the weekend together. My doctor called and scheduled my C-Section for monday morning at 10:30.
After Dinner with the family |
Alex and I went out to dinner and a movie, and just did some shopping on saturday, then on Sunday we went to his parents in Broomfiled for dinner with his family. I don't think that I slept at all on Sunday night, but the morning came really quick.
Sunday after Church |
Day before Bentleys Birth |
I was up and showered and ready to walk out the door by 7:30, my bag was packed and I had all of the things I thought I needed. I was doing really well and was calm until I had to walk into the operating room without Alex, he had to stay outside while they prepped me. I sat on the table while they asked me a bunch of questions and then they gave me a spinal block so I was numb from the chest down. It was a very scary feeling. Trying to move my legs and not being able to I was on the verge of tears. I wasn't ok until they brought Alex in. I was scared, but Alex being there holding my hand behind that curtain made it a little easier. He kept telling me it was going to be ok and that I was doing great, I could just nod and give him a weak smile trying to show some courage. There were fifteen doctors in the operating room, there was a whole team just for our baby boy, including the cardiologist, and then there was a team for me. We were in good hands. Getting the baby out only took about 10 minutes, it was weird being pulled and moved as they took out our boy, but I started to cry when I heard our little boy cry, it was a relief! I even looked up at Alex, and even though he won't admit it, he had tears in his eyes as well. They quickly showed us him when he came out, then they took Alex over to help cut the cord.
Alex Cutting the Cord |
The doctors started sewing me up and a few minutes later they brought our boy over and they took a picture of the three of us, then they took Alex and our boy off to the NICU, and they wheeled me into the recovery room where I sat for 2 hour as slowly the feeling came back into my body.
Baby Bentley and I minutes after his birth |
Our first family photo |
Alex was able to go down to the NICU and check our little one, I however was stuck in bed until I could feel my legs and get some rest. Alex took lots of pictures and showed them to me. It was actually really hard to just have a baby and not be able to see him. Alex's mom did come to visit, along with my sister. It was nice to have someone to talk to. It wasn't until 11:00PM until Alex wheeled me the 1/4 mile to the NICU where I got to see and hold my baby boy for the first time:) He was hooked up to all kinds of monitors, he wasn't eating so he a feeding tube in his nose. His blood sugar was also very low so they had an IV as well. It was such a joy to see him and to know that he was in such good hands. We named him Bentley Alexander Richards. Alex and I stayed with him until about 1AM.
Being wheeled to the NICU |

Holding Bentley for the first time |
Alex Feeding Bentley |
Bentley was still having a hard time eating, and he lost 3 oz. But his heart is still resting between 55-60 bpm, and his body seems to tolerate it really well. Today Emily and Alex's mom came back to see me and the baby. Alex and I try to make it to the NICU as much as possible, sometimes I wasn't always feeling well enough to go though. I was able to shower today though, that was nice:) He is able to do a pacifier!
Tuesday Morning |
Bentley and Grandma R. |
Bentley did so good throughout the night! Today they took out his feeding tube, and decreased his IV, he lost a little more weight he is now down to 5lbs 5oz. Since he is keeping food down better they increased how much he is eating. By the end of the day they weened him off of the IV, and told us if he continues to do well then he can go home early next week.
Me Feeding Bentley Wednesday Morning |
After they took out his feeding tube:) He was a happy Boy:) |
The doctors are all really pleased with how he is doing, a little shocked and amazed but say he is doing really well with his slow heart beat. The cardiologist comes in each day to check him, thy still want to monitor him a little longer before they make a decision on his pacemaker. Jaclyn came to see him.
Bentley is doing better and Better! This afternoon we got the exciting news that he gets to come home tomorrow! They took all the monitors off except his heart monitor and took him off the IV, and he was able hold his own and was stable for 24 hours. The doc and the cardiologist gave the ok:) He got a shot before we left for the night. My mom and Chelsy were able to come to town and they saw him and got to hold him in the NICU. I also worked with the lactation specialist so I can start nursing him, although he will need to be bottle fed as well for the first little bit to help him grow. he weighed 5lbs 8.5 oz.
Today he did a last round of tests he was circumcised and also was above average on the hearing screening. The doctor came in and gave a last run down of things and told us what to look for in case we need to bring him back in. But by 12:30 he was in his seat and all ready to go!
Our Cute Family! |
All Ready to come home
First time in his Seat! |
Our little Bentley is our little miracle. He only stayed for 5 days in the NICU when they originally told us he would be there for ay least two weeks maybe more. He has amazed all the doctors, it was funny because the doctors who weren't his would come in just to hear his heart, they were amazed that he was doing so well with such a slow heart beat! The cardiologist told us with how well he is doing they can hold off on the pacemaker until he is 1 or 2. That is when he will be more active walking around and moving. He will still see the cardiologist regularly though to check on him and make sure he is still doing well. We go there next week to get a more finalized answer on his pacemaker.
Alex and I are so blessed to have our little boy home and doing well. i know that prayers have been answered, I know that God has been looking out for our little family. It has been a scary journey, and I still worry about his little heart all the time. But I know that Heavenly Father has a plan, that he loves us and that everything is going to be ok:) Thank you for all the love prayers that have been sent in Bentleys direction, we really are so grateful:)
Love Always
Lezlie Alex and Bentley
Home at last |
The cousins |
In his own bed
Deep in thought
Bentley and Grandma S. |

happy to be home |
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