We have been busy and happy these past couple months, but we haven't been happier!
He has been busy busy busy with work! There isn't much new with him, but he has started to study for the GMAT, we are hoping he will be able to take it and apply for his MBA beginning of the year. There still hasn't been a decision made weather where to go, but I'm sure he will be applying lots of places. Bentley Just loves his daddy, he gets the biggest smile on his face whenever Alex comes home.

I have been keeping really busy with Bentley I love being a mom! He brings so much joy into my life! I am also keeping busy with my Calling at Church, it is a lot of Work but I sure love my Young Women, they may be few in numbers but they are such a delight! I also had a birthday since I last updated. I am now 26! I have a list of goals and things I want to accomplish before I turn 30, one of which was to be a mom(Check!) and another is to run a marathon. I am having a hard time getting back into shape, but I have made some goals and will run a 5K in a couple weeks. I also have some friends from the ward, and we get up in the morning with our little ones and go walking about twice a week. I also got hired to judge chair auditions for the Front Range Youth Symphony. I had never done that before and was grateful for the opportunity! I just hope my name gets out there a little more so I can get some students. The auditions were at the Arvada Center, which is where I danced growing up. While there I ran into two of my old teachers! I haven't seen them for 8-9 and it was such a happy reunion! They even remembered who I was!
My Edible Arrangement from my sister! |
Happy Birthday to ME! |
4 Months! |
He is getting bigger and stronger everyday! He is a pro at rolling over both ways and he likes getting on his hands and knees and rocking. I'm sure he will be crawling soon. His heart is also doing good, we go back to the Cardiologist in October but at our last visit they were pleased with how he is doing, they suspect he won't need a pacemaker for a few years. That is great news the longer we can put off surgery the better:) We just love him so much and are glad he is doing so well right now! He also started on the baby food, so far he has had rice cereal, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, peaches and green beans, he does really well with food! We also got him a johnny jump up, and he LOVES it! He could sit in there all day and jump, it is so cute to watch!
5 Months |
First Rice Cereal |
Loving his Johnny jump up!
Learning to Crawl! |
As a family we have been doing so good! We were able to spend 4th of July in Keystone with my family, and we often go to Sunday Dinner with Alex's Family in Broomfield. Alex's Sister was here for a few weeks and we got to do lots of fun things with her and the girls, I even got my best score EVER in bowling! I granny bowled the whole thing and I broke 100! One of my very good friends got married and we were able to be there for her sealing. It was a short trip to Utah but definitley worth it! I had some other good friends come from BYU-Idaho that I hadn't seen in a while so that was amazing! While in Utah we stayed with Dallas and Amy, and we visited with Alex's brother Kevin and wife Lauren, and we got to chat with one of my amigops from High school :) Bentley and I also went to New Mexico and stayed for week. It was so good to spend time with my sisters and parents. We flew home and it was Bentleys first flight! He did really good, he ate the first half and slept the second half. We also had a family day at the Broomfield Bay. Bentley had never been swimming so we decided to take him before summer was over. I think that is about all with us. We are still just happily living life each day!
Lots of cousins! |
Bentley and Dad at Eaton Days with his sister |
Best Bowling Score EVER! |
Trip to Utah! (Bentleys driving:) |
Good Friends |
My amigop:) |
So Happy For Her! |
Making Lemonade with cousins and grandpa |
Bentley and his Great Grandma |
First Plane Ride! |
Day At The Bay!
Love Always Lezlie, Alex, and Bentley
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