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Looking Forward to New Adventures

It has been a busy few months! I am in NM visiting my family so I got as much packing done as I could before I left. Its amazing how much we have accumulated the last 2.5 years living here! I will put up a bunch of pictures, hopefully once we get settled in Arizona I will be a better blogger!

Family Adventures

A few fun things since the last blog:
A trip to Utah for Alex's grandmas 90th birthday
Fro-Yo Run/Bolder Boulder/Broomfield Trail Days
A trip to NM for Annies Graduation
Aquarium to see the fish
Childrens Museum with the cousins
Denver history/science Museum with the Aunt Em and Grandma R.


Its the busy season once again for Alex at work. We are grateful for all of the hours he puts in! He has been doing a lot of prep work for his Masters program, and helping me pack all our stuff up. He has also taken charge of finding us housing in AZ, I will meet him in Phoenix this weekend to hopefully find a place.


I played my last orchestra concert with the Lakewood symphony, we really did have an amazing season and am going to miss playing with them net year. Other than that I haven't been up to too much, just trying to pack up. It's a bigger chore than I was expecting. It's nice to have a break this week while I hang out with my family in NM.


Bentley has been a busy boy! He finished up his gymnastics class and swimming lessons and we have been having lots of playdates! ( Thanks to all the awesome people who have watched him while I packed!!) He has had lots of cousin and family time and is just busy as ever. We started potty training, but because we have been traveling lots and there is lots of changes happening its going a little slower than I would've liked. Once we get to Arizona and get into more of a routine I know it will be more consistent.
Broomfield Lantern Festival

He loves to jump!

Grandma and Grandpa date to Fort Collins

at the aquarium

Mermaids at the Aquarium

Bolder Boulder with the family

Lamb of God 

Homemade cheesecake for Easter
Country Road Cafe Breakfast
Family Breakfast
Bentley with cousin Emma in Utah
Dad, Bentley and Uncle Dallas in Utah
He Loved his gymnastics class!
FroYo Run
Happy Graduation Annie!
Popsicles with the cousins
Bolder Boulder fun!
Washing the car with Grandpa
Broomfield Trail days
Childrens Museum
Childrens Museum
Denver Museum with Aunt Em
Digging for fossils
Denver! We are going to miss this beautiful place
Richards family Reunion at Grandmas 90th B-day
Bentley on Alex's rocking horse his mom made

Gpa and Bentley on the train


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