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Bentley is 3!!!

Happy Birthday Bentley!! It just seems absolutely crazy to me that my baby is 3! (I don't think the video works, but he is telling the camera he is now three!)

We have had a pretty busy couple months, we are trying to get as much Bentley time in as we can before the baby comes! I think we are all ready for her, we have all the things that we need, its just the waiting part that's hard!

For Valentines day we had a yummy breakfast, then following our tradition we went to a paint your own pottery place, this year I made a piggy bank for baby sister, and bentley did a wonderful job painting a coaster! After that Alex had to run to class, but we did have a fun morning.

We also had a very fun visit from Alex's sister and family. We did lots of fun things like going to the fire truck museum, of course Bentleys favorite part was just having friends to lay with 24/7. He sure loves his cousins!

As I said previously we are trying to give Bentley a lot of  attention, I think he knows a big change is about to come, he has been needing a lot of extra attention these past few weeks. But we were able to go to the Phoenix train exhibit while it was in town,  an arcade for the first time, and of course we go to the park a lot. It is also super fun having Chelsy close, Bentley loves to spend time with her, she took him to the legoland adventure here, he sure loved that! She also threw him an awesome party at flipdunk. We are pretty lucky to have her!

I am getting bigger and am about ready to pop, Baby girl can come any day now, we are ready for her:) I am pretty much done working, I still am going in for a couple hours a week, but its nothing too strenuous that I do. But its good to get me up and moving and not just sitting on the couch all day!

Alex is doing well with school, he just started his last quarter, he's getting close to the end! He is also working part time overnight which has been a blessing that it works with his school schedule, but some days are hard when he doesn't get as much sleep as he probably needs. But he loves to take care of us and we really appreciate him! He is still job searching, but he still has time before school is out, I know he'll find something!

I think that is it for now, eventually I will figure out a better way to blog with all the pictures but for now I'll just leave them all below! Hopefully the next update will be a s a family of 4!

Love always the Richards Family


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